ELDORADO celebrates its adulthood in March - Instituto Eldorado
06 de Junho de 2017

ELDORADO celebrates its adulthood in March

As we speak, the Institute has a portfolio of more than 40 major partners and more than 700 collaborators, who happen to be spread across its three units – Brasilia, Campinas and Porto Alegre. A hallmark in its own field of action, throughout this 18-year stretch ELDORADO has managed to amass an opulent history in terms of evolution, growth and achievements. Check it:
In 1999, the ELDORADO Research Institute was born as a compact organization. 42 signings were conducted in the beginning of this endeavor and, when the operations started, the institution had its vicinities in Jaguariúna. Already in September of 1999, it started to occupy part of the building no. 7 at CPqD.
Between 2000 and 2005, a regulatory reform was put in motion, allowing ELDORADO to mirror its intent to magnify its project partners. In the beginning of 2004, the organization conducted a strategic planning which included leaving the CPqD and have its own headquarters. In July, a study of options was carried out to have a forecast about an eventual construction or purchase of its own space. In August, the last land available around Unicamp was identified and, at last, in December, the Institute signed the deed of the land for its headquarters.
On October 17 of 2007, the building works for the construction of ELDORADO’S building began. On September 19 of 2008, the Institute opened its own space in the private area of the Campus of Unicamp. The project Sede Nova demanded two years of activities related to planning, projects and earth-moving works. 10.000 m² were built in a 25.000 m² land, in less than 11 months.
With a change of headquarters, the Institute went through a visual transformation and adopted a new logo. In 2009, ELDORADO began its operations in Brasilia. One year after, in October 2010, its operations were launched in Porto Alegre.
In 2013, ELDORADO went through a massive organizational restructure, which generated internal relocations and added value to the Institute’s human resources. Furthermore, it started to partake in brand new markets, such as energy and health, and considerably increased its turnover, client portfolio and the number of collaborators. In 2015, the three units started to get funding for property expansion.
In August 2016, one of the major achievements of ELDORADO in recent years took place, with the inauguration of its new laboratory complex, located in the unit of Campinas. Regarded as unprecedented in Brazil, the new area, with 1700 square meters, allowed the Institute to conduct major-scale product research efforts, such as the ones for the car industry and medical equipment. In terms of expansion, the OTA chamber (Over-the-Air), 100% anechoic, and the new semi-anechoic chamber, three times larger, with 10 meters and a quiet zone of 5 meters, were the highlights.
In Porto Alegre, 580 m2 were approximately gathered. Regarding the unit in Brasilia, its facilities were remodeled, after a period in which they were split between two floors – the ninth and the tenth of the Corporate Financial Center. In December, the unit gathered both parts solely on the 9th floor, increasing its levels of collaboration, integration and closeness between collaborators.
“It is a great joy to celebrate the 18th-year anniversary of ELDORADO. In this new age and year, we commit ourselves to renew our goals and plan our future. We want to maintain a highly renowned position as one of the major R&D centers in the country, growing and investing in innovation. More than that, we want to keep ourselves as an organization known for its top-notch quality of life and for its investment in human resources, after all our collaborators are the ones who have been helping us to build this success case and achievements. We are just beginning our journey”, Jaylton Ferreira, the Superintendent of ELDORADO, sums the situation.

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