Time to boost agribusiness innovation - Instituto Eldorado
14 de Julho de 2022

Time to boost agribusiness innovation

Instituto Eldorado

Instituto Eldorado


Digitalized agribusiness is here now. The sector is using technological advances to get positive impacts across the entire supply chain by boosting productivity, lowering costs, optimizing time and ensuring more efficient management. Technological innovation is here to drive yet another wave of modernization for the agricultural supply chain and therefore consolidate its key role as a vital sector for Brazil’s economy.

McKinsey consultants’ surveys have been showing how Brazilian farmers’ digital innovation has evolved over the last few recent years, due especially to restrictions arising from the pandemic. In fact, Brazil’s professionals are ahead of American and European producers in terms of preferring digital channels for agricultural purchases. 

WhatsApp has emerged as the main tool used for digital transactions due to ease of communication, thus streamlining the purchasing journey. 

However, agricultural digitalization opportunities go way beyond the use of apps to buy machines and inputs. There are many roads to be explored that will ensure gains for producers. 

More than 50% of farmers responding to the survey said they are using new technologies for their operations – or are willing to try them – because they envisage benefits such as higher productivity, lower costs and more quality for their final products. 

Nevertheless, the sector is being held back by bottlenecks in remote areas, such as scarce connectivity resources and lack of infrastructure needed to keep up with digital transformation. 

Given projected population growth over the next few decades, another major challenge is the issue of food supply. Additionally, the market has been increasingly calling for solutions that map supply chain traceability. 

Therefore, more than ever, agribusiness is looking to find solutions that increase its productivity and monitor its processes. 

Innovate to grow 

Innovation has shown that we can join forces with producers in order to successfully tackle all these challenges and drive the next great evolutionary leap forward for Brazilian agribusiness. By developing new technological solutions, we will shorten the distance from new idea to new practice and we will enable farmers to deploy projects that offer more control over management and more efficient processes. 

A new pathway has been opened, but rural producers do not have to set out on the innovation journey alone. By getting a highly qualified partner to act as an outside R&D base, you will join the benefits of working with our expertise and infrastructure assets, which will ensure agility and reliability while minimizing any risks. 

In this context, ELDORADO is ready to boost innovation in agribusiness by developing software and hardware solutions with an eye on opportunities for digitalization in the sector. 

Using technological offers such as: smart platforms, AI, analytics, visual computing, blockchain, microelectronics, sensors, actuators, embedded electronics, agroindustry 4.0, IoT and mobile, the Institute has developed projects for major partners in the agribusiness market. 

By using cameras with multispectral sensors that capture images invisible to the naked eye, a producer was able to assertively detect plants affected by early-stage diseases. The technology also enables fast soil testing to get immediate and accurate test results for farmers using apps on their handheld devices. 

In another project, the Institute is working together with Embrapa to develop a multi-institutional platform that will monitor greenhouse gas emissions for agriculture while ensuring uniform management by systematizing and monitoring data from Brazil’s rural areas. 

Technology has a lot to contribute to sustainable development for the sector, inside and outside the farm. 

After all, innovation will boost agribusiness with practical solutions to support decision-making amid external variables beyond our control, such as climate, agricultural input costs and the market itself, in order to raise the level of harvest predictability, lower costs and cut losses, enhance management and grow earnings. 

It’s time to plant innovation and reap progress! 

Get ready for the future. Learn more about ELDORADO ‘s innovative solutions and boost your agribusiness R&D.

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