ELDORADO Institute is the newest international member of EARTO - Instituto Eldorado
14 de Julho de 2022

ELDORADO Institute is the newest international member of EARTO

ELDORADO Institute is now part of the European Association of Research and Technology Organizations (“EARTO”), which brings together 350 Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) in 23 countries, encompassing more than 150,000 researchers, engineers and technicians.

For 23 years, ELDORADO has developed tailored software and hardware solutions for various industries, standing as a major articulator of open innovation by connecting companies, universities and startups for the benefit of the entire ecosystem, with projects that put Brazil on the technology world map.

“It’s a great honor, which also comes with great responsibility, to be part of a group so important as EARTO. We believe that we have a lot to learn and to contribute and that our membership is an opportunity for us to expand our knowledge exchange and operation through open innovation,” says ELDORADO Head of New Business Vinicius Pagano. 

EARTO is in business to foster the interests of RTOs around the world by encouraging economic and social competitiveness and innovation in products, processes and services for all segments of the industry. Its members are involved in the execution of major global RD&I projects whose solution benefit around 100,000 companies each year.

Currently, ELDORADO is the only international member in Latin America to become part of EARTO, which puts the RTO in favorable a position to share its experiences and showcase Brazil’s technical capabilities in Europe, while opening doors for new Brazilian RTOs to enter in the future.

According to ELDORADO Technology and Product Executive José Eduardo Bertuzzo, as a member, the Institute will take part in discussions involving global RD&I issues and in the study and charting of new technological roadmaps, further improving the work it does with the local innovation ecosystem.

“One other point of strength is the ability to benchmark against institutions engaged in similar activities to ELDORADO’s, which enables us to stay in touch with best market practices and the development of multilateral projects with a global reach”, Bertuzzo points out. 

Accordingly, ELDORADO becomes a bridge between research and the practical applications underpinning the efforts undertaken by EARTO, which works as a forum for sharing and cooperation among its members towards the development of innovation aimed at improving efficiency in services for businesses and governments.

The Institute’s attributes enabling it to promptly adhere to EARTO include its work with the local ecosystem of innovative companies, its leading role in open innovation, its focus on results, and its presence in four regions in Brazil, with more than 1,600 people on staff.

Commitment to knowledge

The association fosters information and experience exchange through seven work groups and by producing technical reports and notes, as well as holding in-person and online events and annual conferences.

ELDORADO has been invited into one of those work groups, which focuses on the impact of RTOs worldwide and in member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) from an economic and social point of view.

Trusted advisor and political articulator for RTOs

Securing resources and independence for RTOs is another pillar supporting the association in its mission, as not only does it provide information on financing programs and policies, it also supports its members with the planning and execution of projects.  

“We attended in May the EARTO Annual Conference in Barcelona, where we had a unique opportunity to participate in a meeting with peers who share our same goals and challenges, despite having such different backgrounds,” Bertuzzo adds. 

EARTO represents the views of its members before European decision-makers and is known in the ecosystem as an articulator that frequently takes political positions on issues affecting RTOs.

Whenever it can, the association seeks to expand its membership and banks on its relationship with other research, technology and innovation groups and organizations to expand cooperation and align the interests of their stakeholders.

About ELDORADO Institute

ELDORADO Institute is a benchmark when it comes to RD&I in Brazil. It’s been 23 years now working side by side with domestic and global partners seeking disruptive solutions in R&D and innovation, Laboratory Testing, Telecommunication Product Certification, Development and Training, and Advisory on Innovation.

Having units in Campinas, Brasília, Porto Alegre and Manaus, the Institute increasingly strengthens its role in the development of innovative solutions for the Information Technology and Communication, Automotive, Energy, Oil and Gas, and Health care industries, as well as Agribusiness.

ELDORADO is a leading player in Open Innovation, fostering a collaborative construction of ideas and solutions for each market requirement. As a result, it boasts success stories and extensive expertise on such technologies as IA, IoT, 5G, openRAN, big data, analytics, virtual reality, augmented reality, and data lake.

Over the course of these years, it has been a regular guest at events held nationwide to recognize the best companies to work for in Brazil, such as the Incredible Place to Work ranking awards.

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