How we operate in the full management of the smartphone development lifecycle - Instituto Eldorado
06 de Setembro de 2023

How we operate in the full management of the smartphone development lifecycle

Instituto Eldorado

Instituto Eldorado


Smartphones have become indispensable in people’s daily lives, especially in the last decade with technological advances and new generations of mobile networks, which have democratized communication, as well as access and information sharing.

According to data from the Statista website, in 2023, the total number of smartphone users in the world is 6.7 billion, which means that almost 86% of the world’s population owns a device. And the trend is for this growth to continue, with 1,594 million new smartphones expected to be sold in 2023, according to projections by the SellCell website, which demonstrates the potential of this market.

Before reaching the hands of consumers, smartphones go through several stages of development in order to ensure quality, performance and safety for users, attending the requirements of manufacturers, regulatory bodies and mobile operators around the world.

At Instituto ELDORADO, we work throughout the product development life cycle, including component integrations, complete validations and customizations/configurations, from the initial conception of products to market launch and software updates in production.

The Integration and Testing Management area (GIT) is made up of multidisciplinary teams from the Campinas (SP), Manaus (AM) and Porto Alegre (RS) units, which are responsible for the entire SW and HW integration process of devices on a global scale, besides to various types of tests and simulations during their development, including: functional and non-functional tests, component and stability tests, 4G/5G network simulations, RF tests, adherence to communication protocols, battery life, temperature and performance monitoring, among many other cases, in products from world-renowned laboratories.

Discover our technological skills, laboratory infrastructure and technical expertise to boost RD&I projects in the telecommunications area

Global performance

We work with players from all over the world, in several countries on all continents, in end-to-end software development and integration projects, product quality assurance and implementation of regional configurations, with expertise in the requirements of operators from different regions of the world.

Based on the requirements of each operator, we perform internal validation tests in laboratories and in the field, correct bugs in internal validations, carry out support and follow-up with the client, and also usability tests, in which users use the device and provide feedback to responsible teams.

Skills in the Integration and Test Management (ITM) area for telecom equipment:

✅ Test execution and automation:

  • End-to-end performance in the definition, development and execution of manual and automated test scenarios for complex systems.
  • Automation of tests in several scenarios, accomplishing system stability and performance requirements, cellular network characteristics, component integration, etc.
  • We have complete laboratories for execution, test automation and use of RPA and Master IPA to accelerate and make procedures more intelligent.
  • Application of AI techniques in testing methodologies, such as the use of the Visual Testing patent, bringing more intelligence in identifying and anticipating defects.

✅ Energy Efficiency in the use of batteries:

  • Performance in the entire management of the usage profile of applications and systems and the energy consumption undertaken by them, considering application to systems that rely heavily on battery, such as cell phones, tablets, laptops, among others.
  • Techniques for identifying the main scenarios that impact energy consumption and may require adjustments in order to optimize such consumption.
  • Tests for operating system performance, indicating processes that can be optimized to improve the performance of the HW and SW ecosystem.
  • Verification of the impacts of energy consumption and performance on the temperature of devices (methodologies for evaluating and optimizing device temperatures).

✅  Product lifecycle management:

  • End-to-end development and integration of all hardware and software components for smartphones, attempting to launch in the global market.
  • Management of regional product certifications and approvals (regulatory entities).
  • Complete lifecycle management and product launch.
  • Availability of SW update packages by over-the-air (OTA) network for global products, including new software versions for smartphones and security updates.
  • Applying regional and business characteristics to products.
  • Extensive experience in the process of configuring and customizing Android products, especially considering regional aspects and requirements of telecom operators.

✅ Software and tools development:

  • Tools to support the management and testing of products (Web + Cloud).
  • Tools for support and automation of tests with artificial intelligence (AI).
  • Development of Android and Flutter applications (App + Web).
  • Development of features embedded in products.

✅ Connectivity:

  • Drafting of projects to define the necessary architecture for the implementation of connectivity coverage applied to different segments, such as Industry, Agro, Health, Energy, etc.
  • Laboratory equipped with infrastructure for simulating 4G/5G private networks and prototyping cases applied to the 5G ecosystem.
  • Laboratory for testing the functionality of Telecom networks on mobile devices and their compliance with regulatory technical aspects (network requirements).
  • Laboratory for testing products on a living network, with simulation of real operator networks.

✅ Analytics and Data Science:

  • Analysis of performance data of products in output, with performance metrics and product quality in real time.
  • Application of Analytics and Data Science techniques for instrumentation, collect, process and data engineering to generate insights that can assist, or even automatize, strategic decision-making on risk scenarios, in an anticipated and predictive way.
  • Use of Machine Learning (ML) and Large Language Models (LLM) for scenario prediction and model simulation.

Laboratory infrastructure:

We have complete laboratory infrastructure and a highly qualified research and development team to accelerate RD&I projects.

➡️ Laboratory for debugging tests on cellular networks: Emulating and conducting tests, experiments and debugging scenarios for 3G to 5G cellular networks for operators around the world.

➡️ Network of living lab: Environment for validation and automation of real network tests and requirements for international operators, in addition to the application of artificial intelligence in tests.

➡️ Energy Efficiency Laboratory: Validation and optimization of battery autonomy, including temperature, current and performance tests.

➡️ Connectivity Lab: Environment for simulation, product trials, cases and validations in 4G and 5G private networks, for example, in OpenRAN standards.

➡️ Laboratory of Automations and Innovations: Automation for testing and functionalities in innovative and disruptive products, using advanced testing techniques, covering functionalities being developed for new devices

Accelerate your R&D

At ELDORADO, we have all the requirements to be a qualified partner for companies that seek a reference in integration and quality assurance for technology products in the telecom area.

Beside technical training and state-of-the-art laboratory infrastructure, we are articulators of open innovation and have strategic partnerships with multiple players in the ecosystem, which favors the exchange of knowledge, shortening the path between the idea and the launch of the product.

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