The X-ray assay is recommended for non-destructive analysis. It is based on the differentiated absorption of radiation by the product. It is used to indicate, among other things, the existence of an internal fault or defect in the material (voids and shorts are the most common).It can be applied for inspection of assembled printed circuit boards, parts with over-injected electronics, etc.
Resolution: 0.4 microns
X-ray equipment
- Semi-automatic ultra-high resolution nanofocus ™ X-ray system;
- Inspection of interconnection technology in the semiconductor and SMT industry, automotive industry, etc.
Advantages of X-Ray
- Non-destructive testing = it is possible to reuse equipment / part after analysis: maintains evidence;
- It is not necessary to disassemble the sample (analysis with cabinet or packaging);
- Speed and high volume. The machine is programmable and it is possible to automate inspection for production batches;
- Image Quality;
- Ease of transferring information = generates images / files with .jpg extension;
- Analysis of mechanical or electronic components (up to 600g), assembled electronic boards, automotive parts; etc;
- SW of the machine can calculate distances between two points of internal components of the part;
- Useful for the areas of development and process (engineering), quality (analysis of production failures, field return), etc.